How to Clean a Washing Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide

A clean washing machine is essential for keeping your clothes fresh and free of dirt and germs. Over time, washing machines can build up residue from dirt, detergent, and fabric softener. This buildup can lead to unpleasant odors, mildew growth, and even damage to your clothes.

Fortunately, cleaning your washing machine is a relatively simple process. With just a few basic supplies, you can easily remove buildup and keep your washing machine running at its best.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to clean a washing machine, both inside and out. We’ll also provide some tips for keeping your washing machine clean and running smoothly for years to come.

Exterior of the washing machine

The exterior of your washing machine is the first thing people see, so it’s important to keep it clean and looking its best. Plus, a clean exterior can help to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime, which can lead to problems down the road.

To clean the exterior of your washing machine, simply wipe it down with a damp cloth and a mild soap or detergent. Be sure to pay special attention to the door handle and detergent dispenser, as these areas can be prone to grime buildup. You can also use a toothbrush to scrub away any stubborn dirt or stains.

Once you’ve wiped down the exterior, be sure to dry it off with a clean cloth. This will help to prevent water spots and rust from forming.

Here are some additional tips for cleaning the exterior of your washing machine.

  • If your washing machine has a stainless steel exterior, you can use a stainless steel cleaner to polish it and remove any fingerprints or streaks.
  • If your washing machine has a plastic exterior, you can use a mild soap and water solution to clean it. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as these can damage the plastic.
  • If your washing machine has any decals or stickers, be careful not to scrub them too hard, as this can cause them to peel off.

By following these tips, you can keep the exterior of your washing machine looking clean and new.

Interior of the washing machine

The interior of your washing machine is where the real work gets done. But over time, it can build up residue from dirt, detergent, and fabric softener. This buildup can lead to unpleasant odors, mildew growth, and even damage to your clothes.

That’s why it’s important to clean the interior of your washing machine regularly. The good news is that it’s a relatively simple process.

Here’s how to clean the interior of your washing machine.

  1. Remove any clothes or other items from the washing machine.
  2. Pour two cups of white vinegar into the detergent dispenser.
  3. Run a normal cycle on the hottest setting.
  4. Once the cycle is complete, run another cycle with just water to rinse away any remaining vinegar residue.

The vinegar will help to remove any buildup of dirt, detergent, or fabric softener from the inside of the machine. It will also help to kill any bacteria or mold that may be present.

Washing machine drum

The washing machine drum is the part of the machine where your clothes are actually washed. It’s important to clean the drum regularly to prevent the buildup of mildew or other germs.

One way to clean the drum is to run a cycle with hot water and bleach. Add one cup of bleach to the detergent dispenser and run the washing machine on a normal cycle. Be sure to open the window or door to the laundry room to ventilate the area while the washing machine is running. Once the cycle is complete, run another cycle with just water to rinse away any remaining bleach residue.

Another way to clean the drum is to use a mixture of vinegar and water. Pour one cup of vinegar into the detergent dispenser and run a normal cycle. The vinegar will help to remove any buildup of dirt, detergent, or fabric softener from the drum. Once the cycle is complete, run another cycle with just water to rinse away any remaining vinegar residue.

You can also clean the drum manually by scrubbing it with a brush and a mild soap or detergent solution. Be sure to rinse the drum thoroughly with water after scrubbing.

Here are some additional tips for cleaning the washing machine drum.

  • If you have a high-efficiency washing machine, be sure to use an HE-compatible detergent. HE detergents are designed to produce less suds, which can reduce buildup in the drum.
  • Avoid using too much detergent, as this can also lead to buildup in the drum.
  • Wash towels and other heavily soiled items on a separate cycle from your regular laundry.
  • Leave the washing machine door open after each use to allow the drum to dry out.

By following these tips, you can keep the washing machine drum clean and fresh. This will help to keep your clothes clean and smelling their best.

Washing machine hoses and filter

The washing machine hoses and filter can also become clogged with dirt and debris over time. It’s important to clean these components regularly to prevent them from getting clogged and overflowing.

To clean the hoses:

  1. Disconnect the hoses from the washing machine and the water supply.
  2. Run water through the hoses until they are clear.
  3. If the hoses are particularly dirty, you can use a hose brush to clean them.
  4. Reconnect the hoses to the washing machine and the water supply.

To clean the filter:

  1. Locate the washing machine filter. The filter is usually located on the back of the washing machine, near the bottom.
  2. Remove the filter from the washing machine.
  3. Soak the filter in a mixture of vinegar and water for 30 minutes.
  4. Once the filter is soaked, rinse it off with water.
  5. Put the filter back in the washing machine.

Here are some additional tips for cleaning the washing machine hoses and filter:

  • Clean the hoses and filter every three months.
  • If you live in an area with hard water, you may need to clean the hoses and filter more often.
  • If you have any trouble disconnecting or reconnecting the hoses, consult your washing machine’s owner’s manual.

By following these tips, you can keep the washing machine hoses and filter clean and free of debris. This will help to prevent problems with your washing machine and keep it running smoothly.

Tips for keeping your washing machine clean

Here are some tips for keeping your washing machine clean

  • Wipe down the exterior of the washing machine after each use. This will help to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime.
  • Clean the detergent dispenser and door handle regularly. These areas can be prone to grime buildup.
  • Run a cycle with vinegar and water once a month to clean the interior of the washing machine. The vinegar will help to remove any buildup of dirt, detergent, or fabric softener.
  • Clean the washing machine drum, hoses, and filter every three months. This will help to prevent problems with your washing machine and keep it running smoothly.
  • Avoid using too much detergent. Too much detergent can lead to buildup in the machine.
  • Wash towels and other heavily soiled items on a separate cycle from your regular laundry. This will help to prevent the spread of dirt and germs.
  • Leave the washing machine door open after each use to allow the drum to dry out. This will help to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

By following these tips, you can keep your washing machine clean and running smoothly for years to come.


Keeping your washing machine clean is important for several reasons. First, it will help your clothes come out cleaner and smelling their best. Second, it will help to prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause unpleasant odors and health problems. Third, it will help to extend the life of your washing machine.

By following the tips in this blog post, you can easily keep your washing machine clean and running smoothly for years to come. Just remember to wipe down the exterior after each use, clean the detergent dispenser and door handle regularly, run a cycle with vinegar and water once a month, and clean the drum, hoses, and filter every three months.

With a little regular maintenance, you can keep your washing machine looking and running its best.






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